howToUse forTeachers


「MeeCoo (From now on referred as “this website”) is a part of Medici LLC (From now on referred as “our Company). Using this website, the user confirms to have read and agreed to the following Terms of Use. In addition, as these Terms can be modified without notice, please always refer to this page.

  • 1. General rules and definition

  • 1 These Terms apply when using this website. Furthermore, the privacy policy and the other regulations concerning this website, will be treated as part of these terms.

    2 Upon registering to this website, the user agrees to the rules established by our company and, according to the form, to entrust our company with data including a valid e-mail address, name and other personal information required to complete the registration process.

    3 A “MeeCoo member”, upon completing the required registration process to this website, will be able to request and reserve lessons as well as be a teacher offering lessons to the students.

    4 “Registered User Info” are all those sent to our company at the time of registration to this website, by students and teachers alike (Including later added/modified information).

    5 “Personal Info” are those regarding the user’s private persona. Included are Name, Date of Birth and similar other information allowing the identification of a specific person.

  • 2. Handling of Registered User Info

  • 1 User Information, data on the use of this website and other management and operation information regarding this website are all stored in our company’s own database (from now on, all the stored information will be referred as “database”), our company reserves the rights on the database. The user can freely agree to the use of the services offered by our company (distribution of an e-mail magazine, supplying of the user information to the registered teachers etc.) in accordance to the limitations on the usage of those information established by our company’s privacy policy.

    2 The database is managed so that no specific person can be identified, our company can generate revenue using, editing and publishing the database.

    3 Our company will not disclose any personal information such as name, e-mail address, phone number etc., to third parties, as indicated by the Terms of Use. However, in the event any of the cases listed below occur, our company may release the information; moreover, the company is completely exempted from any responsibility regarding losses received from the user caused by events such as leakage of information received by the third party, or given by our company.

    4 (1)In case of agreement from the User; (2)In case the User is identified by unclear information; (3)In case the disclosure of such information is requested by the law.

    5 Regarding the usage or disclosure of user information by teachers from this website, or in case of troubles problem and issues, everything must be resolved directly between the teacher and the student, with the only exception being the event that an accident or a mistake occurs clearly on our company’s side.

  • 3. Changes and alterations in the registration

  • 1 MeeCoo members will, in case any changes in the content of the user information occurred, quickly modify them, in the ways appointed by our company.

    2 Our company will not take responsibility In the event a MeeCoo member fails to change their information as prescribed in the previous paragraph, by mistake of the user or because of damage caused by a third party.

  • 4. ID and password/h3>

  • 1 MeeCoo member ID and Password are to be kept as confidential.

    2 In case the password or other access information are lost, immediately contact the company and follow the instructions. Regarding the reissuing of MeeCoo ID and password, the company will judge based on the necessary information provided.

    3 Meecoo members agree that re-issuing ID and password

    4 MeeCoo members cannot give any third party their own authentication information and access credentials, allow their use, share the same account with a third party or allowing them to use it.

    5 The use of the service for which the MeeCoo members has been authenticated and all the actions resulting from it, including the event that the service is used by a third person in contrast to this section as well as all the actions resulting from it, will be considered performed by the MeeCoo member their selves, even when that is not the case, and the MeeCoo member shall take all responsibility for it.

    6 MeeCoo members are responsible for their personal authentication information such as ID and password.

    7 Our company has no responsibility for not issuing ID and Password immediately, not issuing it at all, preventing the user for continuing the use of our service or any damage to the user personal authentication information caused by the use from a third party, regardless of error or will of the MeeCoo member.

  • 5. Cancellation

  • MeeCoo members can delete their account at any time from the options page in their account. The cancellation can be done the same day the request is sent.

  • 6. Intellectual property rights, copyright and more

  • 1 The rights for the contents of this website, page design, management, administration and intellectual property of all the related content belong to our company and contributors. MeeCoo members cannot, without consent from our company or our contributors, duplicate, transmit or transfer this content.

    2 “MeeCoo” is a trademarked name and belongs to our company. Use of this name without authorization is not allowed.

  • 7. Restrictions

  • 1 The following actions are prohibited. In the event our company determines an infraction, our company has the right to suspend the use of the service without prior notice.
    (1)Causing damage to our company, other MeeCoo members and third party, as well as actions that can cause damage;
    (2) Violation of intellectual property, freedom of use, copyright as well as credit, property and privacy of our company, a MeeCoo member or a third party; actions causing the aforementioned violations as well as comments displaying malicious intentions towards teachers from our websit;
    (3)Disclosing without authorization any information obtained through registering to our website, slander our company, other MeeCoo members or third parties, damaging the honor and credibility of our company or a third party, or any actions causing such damage;
    (4)Any action against public order and morals, or actions that can cause such behavior as well as breaking laws or any action causing such infractions;
    (5)Registering with another person or being name, e-mail address, ID, password and other false information, using this website while pretending to be another person or while infiltrating their computer system;
    (6) Altering, transmitting, duplicating or disclosing private information (e-mail addresses, private addresses, personal information and other related information) belonging to our company, other MeeCoo members or third parties without prior consent;
    (7) Sending, disclosing and copying materials belonging to our company, other MeeCoo members or third parties without prior consent;
    (8) Hacking, using computer viruses or any other harmful program;
    (9) Manifesting, posting or sending threats, obscenities, discriminating material or defamation;
    (10) Attempting to, and offering or showing obscene footage, language and messages;
    (11) Posting, sending attachments containing or showing political or religious activities;
    (12) Any action causing disturbance to the operation or management of this website or of our company;
    (13) Using this company or website’s name without consent from our company as well as running a website resembling this website;
    (14) Modifying, deleting or hiding advertisements from our company’s personal space;
    (15) Business without acknowledgement from our company, providing information for profit, similar actions or preparations;
    (16) In the event a registered student of this website is a minor, the approval of a legal representative is necessary. In the event that such consent is not received or the minor is posing as an adult, it cannot be cancelled;
    (17)Other actions deemed inappropriate by our company.

    2 In case any of the regulations from the previous paragraph are violated, our company can claim damages caused by the MeeCoo member.

    3 In the event our company has registered any content causing violation of paragraph 1 or anything openly disagreeing from reality, or is considered necessary to revise or delete the user information, a notification will be sent to the user which will be required to quickly change or delete the information. Furthermore, if our company judges unnecessary or inappropriate to notify the user, we can, without notice, delete such inappropriate content.

    4 Our company has no responsibility for damages to the user themselves or a third party caused by the suspension measures to the user based on paragraphs 1 and 3, as well as for deletion or modification of the user information.

  • 8. Disclaimer

  • 1 Our company does not give any kind of guarantee regarding the accuracy, usefulness, newness, safety, integrity etc. of the information provided by the operation and management of this website. The user is responsible for any action on this website.

    2 Regarding the use of this website, in the unlikely event that any trouble occurs between the teachers and students, they are required to solve it directly between themselves. Our company is not responsible, except in case of accident or we acknowledge a serious negligence.

    3 Our company is not responsible for any damages occurred when registering and using this website, not being able to use the service for any cause, or losses caused by copying of the data by a third party, fraudulent access, received e-mails and anything related.

    4 Our company is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by any disposition received by the user from an external site or other business operators via the use of this website.

    5 Our company does not guarantee that e-mails sent from our website, server, domain etc. do not contain computer viruses and similar and will not be concerned with, or give any compensation for, damages or problems caused by the above mentioned occurrences.

    6 Our company does not have any responsibility for damages to MeeCoo members caused by registering to this website.

  • 9. Abolition, interruption and suspension of the website

  • In case any of the following event occurred, our company can, without prior notice or agreement, interrupt or suspend the activity of this website for the necessary period of time. Moreover, event in case of damages caused by this, we will not be held responsible.
    (1) System maintenance, construction etc.;
    (2) Natural calamities, fires, war, riots, disturbances or strikes;
    (3) Problems with our company or other organizations related to this website;
    (4) Interruption of the power supply used by our company or other organizations related to this website;
    (5) Malfunction caused by internet lines, upper stream network routing problems connected to the internet server utilized by this website;
    (6) Other operations or technical necessities.

  • 10. Compensation for damages

  • MeeCoo members are to compensate any damages caused to our company, other MeeCoo members and third parties when using this website.

  • 11. Competent court agreement

  • The law applicable to these terms is the Japanese law, the Tokyo Summary Court or (Tokyo District Court) has the exclusive jurisdiction court regarding any dispute about the registration to this website, the use of it and these terms.

  • 12. Regarding the usage fee for this website

  • 1 Paying the amount fixed by this website will allow you to obtain the coins necessary to pay the lesson fee.

    2 Paying the specific amount allows you to receive coins at any time.

    3 Purchased coins can not be refunded.

    4 Coin purchase can be done via credit card or bank transfer or PayPal.

    5 Coins can be exchanged into money filling the form in the teachers page, 1 coin equals 140 JPY.

    6 When filling the money exchange form, the transfer will be carried out through PayPal or via bank transfer to the bank account designated during the registration process.

    7 Coins are valid for 6 months from the last use date or charge date. After 6 months coins will be extinguished.

    8 Based on the lesson contract, teachers grant our company the authority to receive payment for the usage fee and cancellation fee.

    9 Out company can conclude a payment service contract with a payment operator. In this case, our company may transfer the proxy receipt right to the settlement operator, and the registered user shall consent to this in advance.

    10 teachers will file and pay appropriate duties and taxes for Lesson Fees they acquired through the Site to your home country or country of residence.

  • 13. Lesson fee

  • 1 The lesson fee is exchanged between student and teacher using coins from our website.

    2 Troubles regarding the payment of the lesson fee, except when caused by problems in our system, are to be resolved directly between students and teachers.

  • 14. Notices

  • 1 In agreement with this terms, there are cases where special rules can be appointed.

    2 If there is a rule in contrast with these terms, on the service explanation page of each individual service of our company, that rule is to be applied.

    3 Our company can, without consent from the user, change the content of these terms of use, add new regulations or abolish them. Those changes will be announced on this website. The users accepts any change, addition or abrogation when the use of this website is continued after the announcement is made.

  • Additional rules

  • 12/04/2017 Formulation and Implementation

    11/06/2018 Revision

    03/28/2019 Revision

    05/10/2019 Revision

    06/20/2020 Revision

    05/01/2022 Revision

    05/01/2024 Revision