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#Online lesson teacher

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online lesson teacher

Bodhi Bonacci




Lesson language:    English    Spanish   

Coins (30min) :


Trial Lesson (15min) : 3 coins

online lesson teacher Message the teacher

1 (1coin)=About $1.8*

*Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
5coins: $10
10coins: $19
20coins: $36
50coins: $86

What is "COIN"?

Recognized throughout career for being a visionary Food Service Manager working with some of the best chefs in the industry and for managing some of the largest clubs and lounges in New York City.
Merging Ayurvedic cuisines, holistic and apothecary practices. All the while honing my skills as a self-defense mixed martial artist demonstrating a solid desire to fuse all three of my passions and hobbies into a profitable career. Possessing an endless persistence has enabled me to convey my ideas into reality.
Adept at conveying complex concepts in a simple and compelling manner. Expertise in culinary arts, such as food preparation, menu development, event planning/catering, and inventory purchasing/control. As well as private security and mix martial arts for self defense techniques and personal security .


Lesson category:

Beginners ,intermediate or advanced all welcomed, understanding the use of the words and meaning are so important. I can make custom plans with material. Or we can you a topic you would like to learn more about. I Fuse new and innovative programs and update material .


Lesson category:
Muscle training
Food and Nutrition

Merging Ayurvedic cuisines ,holistic and apothecary practices. All the while honing my skills as a self defence mixed martial artist demonstrating a solid desire to fuse all three of my passions and hobbies into a profitable career. Possessing a endless persistence has enabled me to convey my ideas into reality.
ARCS Combative Certificate, Ayurvedic Medicine practitioner , Holistic Nutrition & Medicine
Cold press juicing, Raw & vegan cuisine, Apothecary Natural holistic healing, tinctures and decoctions

Type Fee Time Remarks
Basic plan 6coins / 30min choosable

After consulting with the instructor, the lesson time can be selected by the student in 30-minute increments.

Trial lesson 3 coins 15min

Trial lessons can only be given once for each instructor.

  • All
  • Message
  • Details
  • Fee


Recognized throughout career for being a visionary Food Service Manager working with some of the best chefs in the industry and for managing some of the largest clubs and lounges in New York City.
Merging Ayurvedic cuisines, holistic and apothecary practices. All the while honing my skills as a self-defense mixed martial artist demonstrating a solid desire to fuse all three of my passions and hobbies into a profitable career. Possessing an endless persistence has enabled me to convey my ideas into reality.
Adept at conveying complex concepts in a simple and compelling manner. Expertise in culinary arts, such as food preparation, menu development, event planning/catering, and inventory purchasing/control. As well as private security and mix martial arts for self defense techniques and personal security .



Lesson type:

Beginners ,intermediate or advanced all welcomed, understanding the use of the words and meaning are so important. I can make custom plans with material. Or we can you a topic you would like to learn more about. I Fuse new and innovative programs and update material .

Health Fitness

Lesson type:
Muscle training
Food and Nutrition

Merging Ayurvedic cuisines ,holistic and apothecary practices. All the while honing my skills as a self defence mixed martial artist demonstrating a solid desire to fuse all three of my passions and hobbies into a profitable career. Possessing a endless persistence has enabled me to convey my ideas into reality.
ARCS Combative Certificate, Ayurvedic Medicine practitioner , Holistic Nutrition & Medicine
Cold press juicing, Raw & vegan cuisine, Apothecary Natural holistic healing, tinctures and decoctions


Plan Fee Time Remarks
Basic Plan 6coins / 30min choosable

After consulting with the instructor, the lesson time can be selected by the student in 30-minute increments.

Trial lesson 3 coins 15min

Trial lessons can only be given once for each instructor.

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そん あいれい

Coins (30min):



Speak English



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Coins (30min):





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Coins (30min):




私は成都人で、辛い物が好きですが、顔が「辣」とずれて、「辣妹子(la mei zi)」ではない(笑)ここでの「辣」はなんの意味がご存知ですか?縁があれば、一緒に中国語で会話しながら、楽しんで中国語を習いましょう!!!
I can speak a little english, but I can't speak it well. If you don't know Japanese but want to chat in Chinese, Welcome to contact me.

Free trial
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Coins (30min):











Free trial Popular
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Coins (30min):




はじめまして。Marikaと申します。現在フランスのトゥール在住で、声楽とフランス語を学んでいます。CRR de Poulenc 古楽科ルネサンス声楽専攻所属、DUEF (Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Françaises) C1、DALF C1 取得 (2021年5月)


レッスン 30分:4コイン


Bonjour, je m'appelle Marika, étudiante japonaise résidant en France. J'ai obtenu le DALF C1 en 2021. Et je viens d'obtenir le DUEF (Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Françaises) niveau C1 au CUEFEE (Centre Universitaire d’Enseignement du Français aux Étudiants Étrangers) à l’Université de Tours. Je suis actuellement des cours de chant de la Renaissance au Conservatoire de Tours pour obtenir le DEM (Diplôme d’Études Musicales) depuis octobre 2019.
J'aimerais donc également vous apprendre le japonais en française si vous y vous intéressez. Si vous avez des questions sur quoi que ce soit, N'hésitez pas :)

Free trial Popular
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Coins (30min):




これってすごい事と思いませんか。勉強する前に三分の一の単語が判るということです。その為、私が北京に留学していた時も初級クラスは、日本人とその他の国の学生は、分けてクラス編成されていました。主な理由は、漢字練習の時間が、日本人には必要ないからです。(小学校の漢字練習の時間と同じ事をやるんです。笑) 中国は、ここ30年でものすごい変化を遂げ、GDPで、世界第2位まで上がってきており、今後は、第1位の可能性も出てきました。そうした隣国の言葉を出来たら、皆さんの人生にも大きなインパクトを与える事でしょう。中国に5年、香港に18年(現在も)くらす私ですが、ぜい皆様のチャレンジのお手伝いをさせてください。 楽しく中国語を学びましょう。

see more..

How to use?

1. Install online video tools

—What is an online video tool?—
It is a tool such as Zoom and Skype that allows you to share audio and video using the Internet and communicate in real time.
How to use Zoom How to use Skype
Italian(trainer)  online lesson
Italian(trainer)  online lesson

2. Free student registration

Register your user name and email address to register as a student. Student registration is required to send a message to the teachers.

Free student registration
how to use online lesson
Italian(trainer)  online lesson

3. Find a teacher & make contact

You can check the exchanged messages at any time on My Page, which is available after registration.

Italian(trainer)  online lesson

4. Pay the lesson fee (in coins)

After confirming that you can take lessons on the online video tool, click the "Pay coins" button at the top of the chat screen, select the lesson time, and then pay the coins to the teacher. (Coins can be charged at any time on My Page.)

Italian(trainer)  online lesson
Italian(trainer)  online lesson

5. Start lessons with online video tools!

Once you've confirmed that you can take the lesson, launch the online video tool and start the lesson with your teacher!

Italian(trainer)  online lesson


  • How much is the lesson fee?


    It depends on the teacher. One coin costs about $1.8. After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

  • What are the payment methods?


    We accpet payment by PayPal at the moment.

  • What is "COIN"?


    "Coin" is coin that can only be used within this site. You can purchase coins on this site and use them to pay the lesson fee to the teacher.
    Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
    Coin price list is as follow:
     5coins: $10
     10coins: $19
     20coins: $36
     50coins: $86
    [Payment Method: PayPal]
    *The expiration date of the coin is 6 months from the last use date.

  • Is it free to exchange messages with teachers through the system?


    Exchanging message with the teacher is free. You can find a teacher that suits you until you are satisfied. You will need coins to spend on video lessons with your teacher.

  • Can I do online lessons with Zoom?


    If the instructor supports it, you can take lessons with tools other than Skype such as Zoom. Please contact the instructor for details.


Why MeeCoo?

Italian(trainer)  online lesson

1. Various lesson genres

We offer a wide range of lessons from English conversation, business skills, fitness to IT skills.

Italian(trainer)  online lesson

2. Easy and quick to get started

MeeCoo does not require any annual membership fee or registration fee. The lesson fee must be purchased with lesson coins that can only be used on this site.)

Italian(trainer) online lesson

3. Full support

If you have any questions or concerns when using MeeCoo, MeeCoo staff will be happy to assist you within 24 hours.

Italian(trainer) online lesson

4. Strict check by MeeCoo staff

MeeCoo staff constantly check if the lessons are being conducted properly and the lesson fees are being paid properly.

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