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Daily conversation(learn at home) online teachers

Daily conversation(learn at home)


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#Daily conversation(learn at home)
32 Teachers
1 (1coin)=About $1.8*

*Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.

5coins: $10

10coins: $19

20coins: $36

50coins: $86

What is "COIN"?
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English


Here's Wen from Beijing, China. As a learner of 9 languages myself, I'm more than willing to share my knowledge of the Chinese language(my mother tongue) and the fantastic culture behind it. If you need help in English which I also speak, I'm here for you.

As a music-lover, composer and songwriter, I would love to help you with music theory, song-writing, arranging and film scoring. I'm currently on Logic by the way;)

Also open to random discussions on philosophy, linguistics, literature and so on! Join me on this life-long learning journey:)

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ちなみに英語学習の中で一番難しいのは何だと思いますか? 「一番難しいのはリスニングです」中級から上級になってくれば分かるのですが、ネイティブの英語を完璧に聞き取ることは英検1級合格者でも不可能です。でも少しづつでも聞き取れようになるとネイティブとの簡単な会話も出来ますし、世界も広がります。外国人との直接のコミュニケーションは本当に面白いです!これこそが英語学習の醍醐味だと考えています。 子供たちとのコミュニケーションも比較的慣れている方だと思います。僕も子供がいるので子育ての大変さや、成績アップの苦労などはよーく分かっています。少しでも、みなさんの学習のサポートが出来ればと思いこのサービスを提供しはじめました。



Daily conversation(learn at home)
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Required Coins(30min):



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I have several years of teaching experience in different countries in Europe and Asia where I have been living for more than 10 years. I enjoy teaching very much by adapting my lessons to the needs of the student, depending on the objectives and level.
I can teach french and english, mainly on week ends and evenings after 6pm.
I am looking forward to receiving your messages.


Daily conversation(learn at home)
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online lesson teacher

Letícia Miyuki

Required Coins(30min):



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Olá! Me chamo Letícia e sou metade japonesa/brasileira. Morei no Japão por 4 anos e lá eu costumava ensinar português e inglês para japoneses. Atualmente já dou aulas por skype para alguns alunos japoneses. Estou no segundo ano da faculdade de Letras - Inglês/Português. Gosto muito de ensinar. Minha didática foca em conversação/gramática. Espero que possamos aprender português juntos!
Hello, my name is Letícia and I’m half japanese/brazilian. I’ve lived in japan for 4 years and there I used to teach portuguese and english to japanese students. Now, I have some japanese students that I teach by Skype. I am attending the 3rd year of English Language College. I love to teach! My didactic is focused on daily conversation/grammar. I hope we can learn portuguese or english together!

Daily conversation(learn at home)
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English


こんにちは!Bonjour !

フランス語は難しい言語ですけど、一緒に頑張りましょう 😤💪🏾

My name is Daria and I’m a native French Speaker.
I lived almost my whole life in Paris so I can also teach you some French slang !
Let’s learn together :)

(I can also teach English if you are interested !)


Daily conversation(learn at home)
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English

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Hello students,
My name is Nico from Indonesia..
Have been living with my passion teaching people around the world especially China,Japan & Thailand for Language lesson,Dance lesson & Fitness guide more than 8 years..
Learning environment should be simple & easy going but it comes with commitment to achieve both goals..
I will be your friend in your study journey..
Hope to get to know any of you soon..

Daily conversation(learn at home)
online lesson teacher

Mohamed Hassan

Required Coins(30min):



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Hello, my name is Mohamed Hassan. I am a head teacher of English at the International German School, Luxor. I was teaching Arabic to non native speakers at Bell High School, Los Angeles, California, USA. I was graduated from the faculty of Education, English division in 1995 and Studied my Vocational diploma in teaching technology in 1999 I studied a course in ESL (English as a second language) at strathclyde University, UK. I studied many other courses in teaching Technology and Education at Occidental College, USA. I joined Star courses company for e learning to teach English online to many students all over Egypt. In 2016, I was selected to represent the MOE in the African teachers seminar at Hebie University in China . Currently, I am working with AMIDEAST Egypt as an English instructor at the Access 11 program, Qena Class.
I like travelling , walking and making new friends and people.During my lessons, I usually follow the student-centered activities such as games, songs and skits. I have good sense of hummer and fun way in teaching that make it enjoyable and pleasant .

Daily conversation(learn at home)
online lesson teacher

Blanca Monzon

Required Coins(30min):



Speak English

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Hi, my name is Blanca I'm a native English and Spanish speaker from the US. I have over 6 years of experience working with beginners, intermediate and advanced students. I am patient and try to keep the lesson fun. I work on what you need the most help with. When we first meet I like to get a feel for what you need or specifically want to work on the most. Overall I work on some grammar, pronunciation and conversation. I try to focus on conversational skills the most and when necessary I help with the grammar that needs to be adjusted.

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Risa Yoshida

Required Coins(30min):



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【For People Who Want To Learn/Improve Japanese】
Hello! My name is Risa Yoshida (Please call me Risa) and I'm from Osaka, Japan. I've been teaching for 10 years in cram school and high schools in Japan, and recently I started teaching Japanese to non-Japanese speakers. I am fluent in English, so I can explain the grammar and culture of Japanese language thoroughly. I can teach from beginners to advanced level, as I studied linguistics in university. I'm looking forward to receiving your messages!

Daily conversation(learn at home)
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Required Coins(30min):



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♪ モーツァルト生誕の街ザルツブルグを中心に世界中を演奏旅行で駆け回るコンサートヴァイオリニスト。スロベニア国立放送交響楽団のコンサートマスター兼カメラータザルツブルグのヴァイオリニストメンバーとして、20年近くヨーロッパで暮らしています。スイス・ローザンヌコンセルヴァトワールでコンサートディプロム、ウィーン市立音楽大学で博士課程をそれぞれ審査員特別賞と共に取得、修了。在学中はウィーン交響楽団第三コンサートマスター、コロンビアナショナルシンフォニーオーケストラゲストコンサートマスターとして活躍。その中で得た技術と経験や伝統的感性を元に、ヨーロッパの音楽家としてのスピリットを生かしたヴァイオリンレッスンを提供しております。又、生きた言語に触れる機会としてフランス語会話、ドイツ語会話、英会話のレッスン、そしてヨーロッパに関わる人生相談の枠も設けております。語学では日常会話まで、ヴァイオリンレッスンでは音楽大学レベルの上級者まで、人生相談では些細な疑問から人生進路のご相談まで幅広く対応しております。まずは会話だけでもという方はぜひ無料レッスンをお試し下さい。音楽の本場オーストリアのエッセンスをたくさんの方にシェアできれば幸いです!

Daily conversation(learn at home)
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English

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みなさん、こんにちは!ゲームの英語レッスンを担当させていただくドローレスです。ドイツ育ちの英語のネイティブで、アメリカに15年間住んでいました。 英語とドイツ語を教えてまだ2年ですが、教育の経歴は5年を超えてます。

ゲームを通してスピーキングと読解を集中する講座を行います。! まずは体験レッスンでお会いしましょう!
My name is Dolores, and I am an English and German teacher. I have 2 years of experience teaching foreign languages, but have worked in education for over 5 years. I can help you improve your English through video games!Let’s have fun playing games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley together to improve our language skills!

Daily conversation(learn at home)
Free trial Popular
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English

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Hi! Ciao! My name is Giovanna! I am an italian teacher living in Milan, close to the Japanese school! I have a long experience in teaching italian and English! I teach italian to my students (kids, students, ladies, managers)... we study grammar, we make conversation or we prepare itaken exams or CILS exams (University of Siena) ... I speak italian, English, French and German and I will be glad to have a trial lesson with you (every level is welcome!) For free! If

Daily conversation(learn at home)

Lesson fee

No high monthly fee

You can take as many Daily conversation(learn at home) lessons as you need at your convenience

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson platform
Lesson fees vary depending on the online teacher. One coin costs about $1.8.
After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

Safe and secure

At MeeCoo, our staff constantly check your lessons are sound and your lessons are paid properly.
Start from free trial

How to use?

1. Install online video tools

—What is an online video tool?—
It is a tool such as Zoom and Skype that allows you to share audio and video using the Internet and communicate in real time.
How to use Zoom How to use Skype
Daily conversation(learn at home)  online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home)  online lesson

2. Free student registration

Register your user name and email address to register as a student. Student registration is required to send a message to the teachers.

Free student registration
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

3. Find a teacher & make contact

You can check the exchanged messages at any time on My Page, which is available after registration.

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

4. Pay the lesson fee (in coins)

After confirming that you can take Daily conversation(learn at home) lessons on the online video tool, click the "Pay coins" button at the top of the chat screen, select the lesson time, and then pay the coins to the teacher. (Coins can be charged at any time on My Page.)

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

5. Start lessons with online video tools!

Once you've confirmed that you can take Daily conversation(learn at home) lessons, launch the online video tool and start the lesson with your teacher!

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

Let's start teaching!

You can easily teach your special skills(Daily conversation(learn at home)) to students all over the world with MeeCoo.

More details
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson
Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson


  • How much is the lesson fee?


    It depends on the teacher. One coin costs about $1.8. After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

  • What are the payment methods?


    We accpet payment by PayPal at the moment.

  • What is "COIN"?


    "Coin" is coin that can only be used within this site. You can purchase coins on this site and use them to pay the lesson fee to the teacher.
    Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
    Coin price list is as follow:
     5coins: $10
     10coins: $19
     20coins: $36
     50coins: $86
    [Payment Method: PayPal]
    *The expiration date of the coin is 6 months from the last use date.

  • Is it free to exchange messages with teachers through the system?


    Exchanging message with Daily conversation(learn at home) teacher is free. You can find a teacher that suits you until you are satisfied. You will need coins to spend on video lessons with your teacher.

  • Can I do online lessons with Zoom?


    If the instructor supports it, you can take Daily conversation(learn at home) lessons with tools other than Skype such as Zoom. Please contact the instructor for details.


Why MeeCoo?

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

1. Various lesson genres

We offer a wide range of lessons from English conversation, business skills, fitness to IT skills.

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

2. Easy and quick to get started

MeeCoo does not require any annual membership fee or registration fee. (The lesson fee must be purchased with lesson coins that can only be used on this site.)

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

3. Full support

If you have any questions or concerns when using MeeCoo, MeeCoo staff will be happy to assist you within 24 hours.

Daily conversation(learn at home) online lesson

4. Strict check by MeeCoo staff

MeeCoo staff constantly check if the lessons are being conducted properly and the lesson fees are being paid properly.

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