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English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online teachers

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)


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#English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
#english ok
#free trial
96 Teachers
1 (1coin)=About $1.8*

*Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.

5coins: $10

10coins: $19

20coins: $36

50coins: $86

What is "COIN"?
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Required Coins(30min):


Nationality:Japanese/ nig...

Speak English


Name: Charles Ugbaja

Nationality: Japanese

Education: Mechanical Engineering

Hobby : Poetry

Languages: [List of languages you speak, e.g. English (Native), Japanese (Conversational)]

Experience: 1 year

Hello there! I'm Charles, and my students call me Charley, a friendly and professional English teacher who loves to share the joys of language learning with students. I'm eager to connect with the diverse community of learners in Japan.

My teaching philosophy is to create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere where students feel comfortable participating and asking questions. I use a mix of teaching techniques, such as role-playing, group activities, and multimedia resources, to keep my classes lively and enjoyable. Above all, I value open communication and inclusivity in the classroom.

When teaching English, I focus on three main aspects:

Conversation: I help students develop their speaking and listening skills through interesting conversation topics and real-world situations.

Vocabulary & Grammar: I equip students with the necessary tools to build their vocabulary and master English grammar, so they can communicate effectively in various settings.

Cultural Exchange: As an English teacher in Japan, I appreciate the importance of understanding different cultures. I encourage students to share their viewpoints and learn about other cultures, promoting respect and empathy.

In my classes, you can expect a welcoming, dynamic learning experience that will boost your confidence in English and help you reach your goals.

I'm excited to meet you and start our language adventure together!

Best regards,


English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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Hello everyone! My name is Luciana and I am here to help you break the language barrier and build confidence while learning a new language. Feel free to ask me anything! I look forward to hearing from you soon

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Edgar Ortiz

Required Coins(30min):



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I have a passion for language learning, math and coding, inspired by a quote from Nelson Mandela: "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." I believe that the ability to communicate in different languages not only expands our understanding of different cultures, but also helps us connect with others on a deeper level.

As for math and coding, they are also languages. For instance, as a physicist, I have to confess that I am very impress how we can describe nature with math, meaning it is akin to the language of nature. Therefore, math offers a door to understand at a deeper level our universe, from the atomic level to the cosmos :). As for coding, in this case it allow us not just to interact with a computer, but know with services world wide. Therefore, coding as a language can help us to connect more with our digital world. Finally, coding also provide us valuable tools to automate many tasks that are time consuming and repetitive. As a consequence, we can free up time to use it in activities that require a higher level of thought.

As for my lessons, I enjoy mentoring using playful activities, specially using content of interest to my students. This way, we engage more in the learning process and have positive experience that foster interest to keep learning :)

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Isabel Romero

Required Coins(30min):



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Hola, mi nombre es Isa y soy de Venezuela. Estoy haciendo un doctorado en Astronomía en Chile. He trabajado como guía turística en el Observatorio Paranal de la European Southern Observatory y he podido compartir con personas de diferentes partes del mundo. Mi hobby es ver y analizar películas y series producidas en diferentes partes del mundo. También me encanta la fotografía de paisajes. Y por último me encanta conversar sobre estos y otros temas con ustedes.


English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Ms. SeRe

Required Coins(30min):



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Hey there! How are you? I'm Celeste and I'm looking forward to meeting you very soon. I have taught as an ALT for about 12 Public Elementary Schools and also as an English Instructor for an Eikawa One-on-One lesson in Japan. Currently, I teach Private English to Kids and Adults (Business and Non-business lessons). I do hope to meet and enjoy learning with you. Let's talk about your goals and see if I could be of help to you. I will do my very best for you!

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Dallo Marco

Required Coins(30min):



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こんにちは、私の名前はイタリア出身のマルコです。イタリア語とスペイン語の会話練習、さらに上達したい場合は英語も練習できます。あなたのスキルアップを全力でサポートさせていただきますので、お気軽にご相談ください!ありがとうありがとう :)鹿児島市で対面レッスン承ります!

Hello, everyone my name is Marco from Italy, I'm available for Italian and Spanish conversation practice and even English if you want to improve it! Please feel free to ask me anything, I will promise to help you to improve your skills ! I'm available for face to face lessons in Kagoshima City!

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Manuel Sambo

Required Coins(30min):



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Hi, my name is Manuel. I am a motivated and passionate communicator and teacher with significant experience working with Japanese students. I have travelled throughout Japan to conduct empowerment programs, global studies programs, future leaders programs, and English camps in dozens of schools. In all these schools, I managed to motivate and encourage hundreds of Japanese students to speak English and confidently discuss global issues. My lessons are highly dynamic, fun, and student-centric. Do not hesitate to contact me, I will help you unlock your potential of being impactful in any environment where you are!!!

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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Hello! I am Andres Mohali. I am from Venezuela and right now I am living in Japan as an International student. I believe the best way to learn a language is through natural interaction, practicing conversation, and improving over time. I also have personal experience taking the TOEFL so I know about preparation for this particular test.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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Hello! Are you looking for a friendly and patient English teacher? My name is Hans. I have been teaching English to non-native speakers both adults and kids for more than 10 years.
I am qualified to help you improve your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation. Ever since I started teaching I have been passionate in teaching kids and maximizing individual student performance, inspiring students' interest in learning the new language and culture and instilling a sense of self-worth among all students. Teaching English as a profession gives me a sense of fulfillment in making my students improve their communicational skills. I am confident that I can provide my students with an adequate English training because I love the power of languages ​​and believe that we don't just have to learn how to communicate correctly, we also have to learn how to communicate effectively.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Denitsa Yuki

Required Coins(30min):



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Hi こんにちは、はじめまして! 私デニです。ブルガリア人です。私 英語 教える、ブルガリアの語も教えることができる。そして心理学を教えている。I'm psychologist and can teach you to be better in raising your kid. Or help you in communication and in relationships with people, I can give you advise how to be more happy and satisfied in life .I love animals also and I can help you understand your cat or dog behaviour. I can help if you have aggressive dog.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



Speak English




English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
Free trial
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English


Hello everyone! Guten Tag!

Interessiert an/Interested in/興味があるのは conversation/Konversation/会話: ドイツ語/Deutsch/German + English/英語?


趣味: 読書、映画、剣闘、ガーデニング、サイクリング、山や森での散歩、全世界の神話、料理

ドイツ語、日本英語などの言語は「生きている言語」といえるので、例えばラテン語と違って、書く、読む、聞く、話すことが大事だと思います。言語が「できる」ということは最初から間違っている考えです。できるのなら、昔々の言語の元から今まで全部の語彙、文法、文字などもできるはずなので、無理です。でも、できるの代わりに、「使える」という言葉があっていると思います。したがって、一緒に頑張ってドイツ語も英語も使えるようになって、勉強も楽しみましょう! ^ ^

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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I offer general Japanese conversation sessions available both in English/French. I also welcome those who want to learn some Japanese culture!

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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・DELE A1~C2(スペイン語検定)




English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
Free trial
online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



Speak English


Dear student,

Here you can find my CV as follows;

• Online English tutor, 2015_ Present
• Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Cambridge CELTA), Izmir, Turkey, 2019
• Iran Language Institute_ Teaching English to the students from basic to advanced levels, 2011-2018
• German teacher (A1) at the University of Guilan for a short period of time, 2017
• Recorded voice for sixth to ninth grade books, 2015-2016
• Translated articles in various fields of study such as chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and engineering, 2007-2010

• Other qualifications:

• IELTS GE, April 2018
• Attended supplementary courses in English:
• Effective communication equals learning improvement,2016
• Theoretically and practically class evaluation, 2014
• Modern motivational theories in efficient teaching, 2013

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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・授業補習・テスト対策 小学生~大人まで幅広く対応

・英語面接内定取得 11名
・英検二次面接合格者 4名(準2級1名、3級2名、4級1名)
・理工学系高校生 1名 期末テスト、2ヶ月で60点→94点
・物理科大学生 1名 日常会話レベルから、3ヶ月でニュースや研究について議論出来るまでに


その後全国的にも注目される英語科がある高校に進学。しかし他の生徒のレベルの高さに圧倒され自信を喪失し、簡単な自己紹介さえ言えなくなる。それでもTED talkや好きな映画を観続け、人前で自分の考えを伝えることの大切さを知り、三年次の最終プレゼンではイラク戦争帰還兵のPTSDについて発表し、高評価を得た。





English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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また、英語においても留学経験なしでTOEIC 935点(リスニングは満点)取得し、仕事でも毎日英語を使っています。英語においても学習のサポートができますので、是非よろしくお願いいたします。

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
Free trial
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Required Coins(30min):



Speak English



English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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online lesson teacher


Required Coins(30min):



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(アメリカ-ハワイ) イオラニ高校卒業
SAT 1400点

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)
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Required Coins(30min):



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I'm Jalil, from Morocco. I live in Japan. I have been a teacher more than 15 years. I can help you improve your English. I can also teach Arabic to multi levels. I like to help the learners use English in a realistic way and express themselves.

I enjoy photography, travelling, reading and music. I speak 4 languages and I can share my experience how to learn foreign languages in an effective way.

See you in class. All the best

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)

Lesson fee

No high monthly fee

You can take as many English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) lessons as you need at your convenience

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson platform
Lesson fees vary depending on the online teacher. One coin costs about $1.8.
After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

Safe and secure

At MeeCoo, our staff constantly check your lessons are sound and your lessons are paid properly.
Start from free trial

How to use?

1. Install online video tools

—What is an online video tool?—
It is a tool such as Zoom and Skype that allows you to share audio and video using the Internet and communicate in real time.
How to use Zoom How to use Skype
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)  online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)  online lesson

2. Free student registration

Register your user name and email address to register as a student. Student registration is required to send a message to the teachers.

Free student registration
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

3. Find a teacher & make contact

You can check the exchanged messages at any time on My Page, which is available after registration.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

4. Pay the lesson fee (in coins)

After confirming that you can take English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) lessons on the online video tool, click the "Pay coins" button at the top of the chat screen, select the lesson time, and then pay the coins to the teacher. (Coins can be charged at any time on My Page.)

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

5. Start lessons with online video tools!

Once you've confirmed that you can take English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) lessons, launch the online video tool and start the lesson with your teacher!

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

Let's start teaching!

You can easily teach your special skills(English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak)) to students all over the world with MeeCoo.

More details
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson
English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson


  • How much is the lesson fee?


    It depends on the teacher. One coin costs about $1.8. After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

  • What are the payment methods?


    We accpet payment by PayPal at the moment.

  • What is "COIN"?


    "Coin" is coin that can only be used within this site. You can purchase coins on this site and use them to pay the lesson fee to the teacher.
    Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
    Coin price list is as follow:
     5coins: $10
     10coins: $19
     20coins: $36
     50coins: $86
    [Payment Method: PayPal]
    *The expiration date of the coin is 6 months from the last use date.

  • Is it free to exchange messages with teachers through the system?


    Exchanging message with English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) teacher is free. You can find a teacher that suits you until you are satisfied. You will need coins to spend on video lessons with your teacher.

  • Can I do online lessons with Zoom?


    If the instructor supports it, you can take English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) lessons with tools other than Skype such as Zoom. Please contact the instructor for details.


Why MeeCoo?

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

1. Various lesson genres

We offer a wide range of lessons from English conversation, business skills, fitness to IT skills.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

2. Easy and quick to get started

MeeCoo does not require any annual membership fee or registration fee. (The lesson fee must be purchased with lesson coins that can only be used on this site.)

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

3. Full support

If you have any questions or concerns when using MeeCoo, MeeCoo staff will be happy to assist you within 24 hours.

English Conversation for beginners(you can learn best way to speak) online lesson

4. Strict check by MeeCoo staff

MeeCoo staff constantly check if the lessons are being conducted properly and the lesson fees are being paid properly.

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