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#Online lesson teacher

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online lesson teacher

Ra Cel




Lesson language:    English    Filipino    Others

Coins (30min) :


online lesson teacher Message the teacher

1 (1coin)=About $1.8*

*Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
5coins: $10
10coins: $19
20coins: $36
50coins: $86

What is "COIN"?

Good day! I am Racel Rubia. I'm born and raised in Davao City, Philippines. I am an English Teacher by profession. I have worked on lots of ESL (English as Second Language) companies both offline and online in 5 years. I have an experience in conducting IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, General English and Business English to foreign students such as Japanese, Chinese and Korean. I am a goal oriented person and I make efforts to effectuate a perfect work output in an immense way. It is my joy to help you expand your knowledge and skills in English Language.


Lesson category:
English Conversation for beginners
Business english
Daily conversation
Travel conversation
Pronunciation correction
Entrance exams preparation
Essay preparation
TOEIC (R) test preparation
Preparation for other English proficiency tests

Generally, I need to ask my student of the lesson he/she wants to learn in the class. I need to figure out the level of the student as well, for me to know the appropriate material that I can give to him/her. I usually teach beginners to advance students. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method then define the word and motivate Generally, I ask my student of what lesson he/she wants to learn in the class. I need to figure out the level of the student as well, for me to know the appropriate material that I can give to him/her. I usually teach beginners to advance students. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method, then define the word and afterwards motivate the student to construct a sentence using the word or phrase. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase.

Tutor (Test Preparation)

Lesson category:

My lesson style is to simply help the student understand the definition of the word, its usage and let the student construct a sentence using the new vocabulary. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method, then define the word and afterwards motivate the student to construct a sentence using the word or phrase. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase easily.

Business Skills

Lesson category:
Interview practice

I have an experience conducting MBA Interview. Aside from that, I also had an experience working as a recruiter. With those experiences, I could teach my student how to answer the question appropriately and how to be confident during the interview. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to listen how the student answer the question and after that I will give timely feedback on how to compose better answer. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase easily.


Lesson category:
Shakespeare-style acting
Swing dance
Voice Acting

I have done story telling competition. I believe I could help the student improve his/her intonation, articulation and the delivery of the statement.


Lesson category:
IELTS (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)
TOEFL (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)

I usually conduct mock test in each section to enhance my student's skills. In this way, they will be able to develop their lexical resource, organization, time management and fluency. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level and material. For instance, for intermediate level using IELTS Speaking, my style is to listen on how the student construct and organize his/her answer. I need to take note as well the pronunciation and vocabulary that was used in the response time. To get a good score in IELTS, I need to be make sure the student can get a good score referring to the rubrics of IELTS Speaking.

Type Fee Time Remarks
Basic plan 3coins / 30min choosable

After consulting with the instructor, the lesson time can be selected by the student in 30-minute increments.

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Good day! I am Racel Rubia. I'm born and raised in Davao City, Philippines. I am an English Teacher by profession. I have worked on lots of ESL (English as Second Language) companies both offline and online in 5 years. I have an experience in conducting IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, General English and Business English to foreign students such as Japanese, Chinese and Korean. I am a goal oriented person and I make efforts to effectuate a perfect work output in an immense way. It is my joy to help you expand your knowledge and skills in English Language.



Lesson type:
English Conversation for beginners
Business english
Daily conversation
Travel conversation
Pronunciation correction
Entrance exams preparation
Essay preparation
TOEIC (R) test preparation
Preparation for other English proficiency tests

Generally, I need to ask my student of the lesson he/she wants to learn in the class. I need to figure out the level of the student as well, for me to know the appropriate material that I can give to him/her. I usually teach beginners to advance students. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method then define the word and motivate Generally, I ask my student of what lesson he/she wants to learn in the class. I need to figure out the level of the student as well, for me to know the appropriate material that I can give to him/her. I usually teach beginners to advance students. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method, then define the word and afterwards motivate the student to construct a sentence using the word or phrase. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase.

Tutor (Test Preparation)

Lesson type:

My lesson style is to simply help the student understand the definition of the word, its usage and let the student construct a sentence using the new vocabulary. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to do listen and repeat method, then define the word and afterwards motivate the student to construct a sentence using the word or phrase. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase easily.

Business Skills

Lesson type:
Interview practice

I have an experience conducting MBA Interview. Aside from that, I also had an experience working as a recruiter. With those experiences, I could teach my student how to answer the question appropriately and how to be confident during the interview. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level. For instance, for beginner level, my style is to listen how the student answer the question and after that I will give timely feedback on how to compose better answer. Application is very important in learning because it helps the student remember the word or phrase easily.


Lesson type:
Shakespeare-style acting
Swing dance
Voice Acting

I have done story telling competition. I believe I could help the student improve his/her intonation, articulation and the delivery of the statement.


Lesson type:
IELTS (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)
TOEFL (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing)

I usually conduct mock test in each section to enhance my student's skills. In this way, they will be able to develop their lexical resource, organization, time management and fluency. The lesson strategy that I use would depend on the student's level and material. For instance, for intermediate level using IELTS Speaking, my style is to listen on how the student construct and organize his/her answer. I need to take note as well the pronunciation and vocabulary that was used in the response time. To get a good score in IELTS, I need to be make sure the student can get a good score referring to the rubrics of IELTS Speaking.


Plan Fee Time Remarks
Basic Plan 3coins / 30min choosable

After consulting with the instructor, the lesson time can be selected by the student in 30-minute increments.

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Coins (30min):



Speak English


Hello! 英語を一緒に楽しく学べるように、生徒一人一人のニーズに合わせてレッスンをするように心掛けています。現在ニューヨーク大学でピアノを専攻して勉強しています。日本では英会話教室で数年間働かせて頂いていました。ネイティブの先生とお話ししたい方や英検を目指している方も大歓迎です!英会話の他にもピアノのレッスンなどもさせて頂いています。ピアノの方は初心者の方から経験のある方まで幅広く対応させて頂いています。音楽的なことや、表現について指導するのが得意です♫


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Coins (30min):



Speak English


Hello! I am Joe, your teacher and your friend in your journey to learning Japanese.
Do you want to learn Japanese?
I am willing to help you!
I am ready to impart my knowledge with you and have a meaningful interaction.
In my class, I'd make sure you won't just learn but also have fun!

If you have any questions. Please feel free to ask me.
I'm excited to see you in my class!

**My class doesn't use a camera.
Voice-only conversations allow you to concentrate on words and practice communicating only in words that do not rely on gestures.**
☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。☆

online teacher Photo


Coins (30min):



Speak English


Hi everybody, I am from Chennai in the southern part of India. I hold a B1 certification in German from Goethe Institute. I am also TEFL certified in English from TESOL Academy.
I enjoy travelling, playing badminton and table tennis. Besides, I also enjoy reading crime fiction. I am also a virtual assistant in IT-services domain and work for several clients across Europe.

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Coins (30min):










【英語系資格】英検準1級 / TOEIC750点 / 日商ビジネス英語検定3級

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Coins (30min):



Speak English


Hi! I'm Teacher Jerlyn, I'm from The Philippines,I work as a ESL Teacher, Teaching english is one of the thing that I enjoy the most, It Give me a Opportunity to share my knowledge and able to know the culture of others.

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Coins (30min):



Speak English



英語: TOEIC 845

ドイツ語: Goethe-Instiut Zertifikat B1

簿記: 簿記二級取得(公認会計士試験勉強中)



Hello! My name is Tina.
Do you want to learn Japanese?
I am willing to help you!
I am ready to impart my knowledge with you and have a meaningful interaction.
In my class, we could have a conversation practice in Japanese or writing practice in Japanese.
If you have any questions. Please feel f ree to ask me.
I'm excited to see you in my class!
にほんごで いっしょに たのしく おはなししましょう!

안녕하세요? Tina 라고 합니다.
일본어로 대화를 하고 싶으신 분!( 일본어 반말로 대화도 가능 ok)
일본어 작문 능력을 키우고 싶으신분!
같이 재밌게 공부합시다~!

see more..

How to use?

1. Install online video tools

—What is an online video tool?—
It is a tool such as Zoom and Skype that allows you to share audio and video using the Internet and communicate in real time.
How to use Zoom How to use Skype
Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson
Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

2. Free student registration

Register your user name and email address to register as a student. Student registration is required to send a message to the teachers.

Free student registration
how to use online lesson
Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

3. Find a teacher & make contact

You can check the exchanged messages at any time on My Page, which is available after registration.

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

4. Pay the lesson fee (in coins)

After confirming that you can take lessons on the online video tool, click the "Pay coins" button at the top of the chat screen, select the lesson time, and then pay the coins to the teacher. (Coins can be charged at any time on My Page.)

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson
Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

5. Start lessons with online video tools!

Once you've confirmed that you can take the lesson, launch the online video tool and start the lesson with your teacher!

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson


  • How much is the lesson fee?


    It depends on the teacher. One coin costs about $1.8. After registering as a student, please purchase coins and take lessons.

  • What are the payment methods?


    We accpet payment by PayPal at the moment.

  • What is "COIN"?


    "Coin" is coin that can only be used within this site. You can purchase coins on this site and use them to pay the lesson fee to the teacher.
    Coin price varies depending on the number of coins purchased.
    Coin price list is as follow:
     5coins: $10
     10coins: $19
     20coins: $36
     50coins: $86
    [Payment Method: PayPal]
    *The expiration date of the coin is 6 months from the last use date.

  • Is it free to exchange messages with teachers through the system?


    Exchanging message with the teacher is free. You can find a teacher that suits you until you are satisfied. You will need coins to spend on video lessons with your teacher.

  • Can I do online lessons with Zoom?


    If the instructor supports it, you can take lessons with tools other than Skype such as Zoom. Please contact the instructor for details.


Why MeeCoo?

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

1. Various lesson genres

We offer a wide range of lessons from English conversation, business skills, fitness to IT skills.

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK)  online lesson

2. Easy and quick to get started

MeeCoo does not require any annual membership fee or registration fee. The lesson fee must be purchased with lesson coins that can only be used on this site.)

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK) online lesson

3. Full support

If you have any questions or concerns when using MeeCoo, MeeCoo staff will be happy to assist you within 24 hours.

Pronunciation correction(Zoom OK) online lesson

4. Strict check by MeeCoo staff

MeeCoo staff constantly check if the lessons are being conducted properly and the lesson fees are being paid properly.

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